To generate a PDF, you often need to collect data from many different sources. For example, for a product catalog you need background data, technical data, marketing data, various digital resources. Once the information is gathered in one place, you can generate a document to PDF in Adobe InDesign, for example. The problem arises when the PDF needs to be updated. Often this is done manually, but with increasing market dynamics, the number of changes increases and manual change is no longer effective. What emerges is the need for a system to automate and simplify the entire process.
What is a PDF generation system?
PDF generation system - a set of functionalities to help optimize and automate the generation of documents. For this to be possible, the system needs easy access to always up-to-date data. You can talk about PDF generation as if it were a module of a larger system, e.g. product catalog generation for PIM.
However, over time you may find the same problems in different departments of the organization. Then you can think of PDF generation more broadly as a separate system. Just as Master Data Management (MDM) is a system for coming up with data for the entire organization, the PDF generation system is a tool for reorganizing that data by combining it into always up-to-date documents.
Cooperation with other systems
Crucial for PDF generation systems is collaboration with other systems, there are two ways to do this. The first is to integrate with different systems that store different data, e.g. master data from ERP, tach data from CAD software, digital assets from a DAM system. The second is the aforementioned integration with an MDM/PIM system, especially recommended if the MDM/PIM has built-in PDF generation options. Such a solution for easy access to data and quick PDF generation in a few clicks.

Pimcore Web-to-Print
Pimcore is a comprehensive platform with a very wide range of functionality, allowing the generation of a wide variety of PDF documents. It can be a PIM platform, allowing you to generate technical sheets and product catalogs to PDF.
Capturing even more information, it can be an MDM platform, extending its capabilities to print a range of production documents such as job instructions. When used as e-commerce(B2B, B2C, configurators or CPQs), it can generate quotes, configuration cards, lists of products to order, invoices and much more. With the ability to integrate with other systems, it can output any PDF document.

What is Pimcore?
One of the systems in which PDF documents can be generated is the Pimcore system. Technically it is a PIM/MDM system, so it is very well equipped to store a large amount of data in different formats, of varying complexity with many relationships between objects. Its flexibility in data modeling allows it to give any structure or use an already existing one within the standard, such as the ETIM classification system. Pimcore can consolidate multiple data supporting data management such as mass change of descriptions.
Pimcore has e-commerce modules to support sales processes including order management, customer profiling, complex category pricing logics, customer-specific price lists and assortments. Pimcore's platform has been repeatedly recognized by the Gartner Cupcake Institute thanks to its high customer ratings. Learn more about the Pimcore platform.

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