Modern Solutions for the Furniture Industry

Optimizing sales with CRM - the Holzpiloten case


Holzpiloten faced the challenge of integrating a complex order process into a single, efficient system. They needed a CRM that could handle orders, manage payments, logistics, and integrate data from Pimcore, their e-commerce platform. It was also crucial to provide the ability to edit orders and generate invoices and delivery documents through integration with their accounting system.


LemonMind implemented a comprehensive CRM system based on the Pimcore platform and a custom web application. This system was integrated with EasyBill to streamline Holzpiloten's sales and logistics processes.

How did the project go?


Integration with Pimcore

In the first stage, the CRM system was fully integrated with the existing Pimcore platform. This ensured that every new order placed on the online store was automatically sent to the CRM. At the same time, all data of previous customers were transferred to the new system.


Order verification and editing

Next, the CRM was equipped with an order editing feature. Users could modify product attributes, and all changes were recorded, providing a full history of each order's edits. After order verification, invoices were generated through EasyBill.


Payment status tracking

The CRM started tracking payment statuses, allowing easy identification of orders with open payments, partial payments, and fully paid orders. The status list was configurable and could be manually updated by employees.


Delivery management

The next step involved generating orders to external suppliers and preparing delivery documents. When products arrived at the warehouse, the system enabled recording received products and adding comments and photos.


Customer service and communication

Finally, the CRM was enhanced with an email and comment management module, allowing for storing the full history of customer contacts. The "Happy Call" feature enabled monitoring customer satisfaction after delivery.


Implementing the CRM system by LemonMind brought numerous benefits to Holzpiloten. Automating processes reduced operational time and costs related to order handling. Real-time tracking and editing of orders improved accuracy and speed of execution. Centralizing communication and order history allowed for more personalized customer service. Seamless integration of e-commerce and CRM with EasyBill enabled efficient management of various order fulfillment stages. This allowed the company to focus on delivering high-quality products while increasing customer satisfaction.

Increased efficiency

Better control

Improved customer service

Integration with external systems


Implementing the CRM by LemonMind for Holzpiloten was a crucial step in optimizing sales and logistics processes. The new system allowed for more effective management of orders and customer communication, leading to higher customer satisfaction and improved operational efficiency. Integration with external systems streamlined operations, minimizing errors and delays. As a result, Holzpiloten can now better respond to market needs while expanding its product offerings. This implementation serves as an excellent example of how technology can support and enhance traditional craftsmanship, bringing tangible benefits to both the company and its customers.

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Contact person

Martin Broda

[email protected] 

+48 723 395 567

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