Implementation of the new concept of dialogue with the customer of a production company.

Polbruk Logo

Polbruk S.A. is the largest paving stone producer in the Polish market. Over 25 years of the company"s operation, extensive implementation portfolio and experienced design department have strengthened its position as the industry leader. The company is part of the international group CRH plc - one of the key distributors of building materials in the world.

We started cooperation at the beginning of 2015. At that time, our client was completing the image refresh project, including the new website project. We were to deal with the technical implementation of the new website. The goal was to launch a content management system (CMS) that would allow efficient management of the corporate and product website, maintained in several language versions.

Free consultation

Martin Broda

[email protected] 

+48 723 395 567

Project goals

Our cooperation with Polbruk S.A. began in 2015 when the client was finalizing the process of refreshing his image. One of the elements of these activities is the project of the new website we have implemented. The modern website, being the center of information and customer contact, was not the only challenge we faced. Analyzing the actions taken so far, the client noticed the growing need to implement a new concept of dialogue with the client. It became necessary to adapt the communication strategy to current trends using the available, optimal methods of engaging users.

The introduction to the project was the development of the concept of integrated promotional activities and tools involving users. As a result, prepared together with the employees of Polbruk S.A. studies, the main group of recipients was considered to be those interested in the subject of designing the home and garden environment as well as arranging public space.



The first stage in implementing the new concept was to create a corporate website adequate to the branding elements. One of the main goals of this procedure was to improve the producer's image. The implementation of the website led to further activities related to the optimization and analysis of its functioning.

The next steps were associated with increasing website traffic while paying special attention to improving its quality. Noticeably increased website traffic and the use of tools analyzing its quality as well as measuring user satisfaction has enabled the collection of valuable data for further analysis. Lessons learned and recommendations collected were used to create new elements of the website that effectively improve user engagement. Automated analyzes have been implemented into the website, thanks to which we have created elements adapting to the behavior of visitors.

Change of approach

The newly implemented corporate portal and all tasks carried out around it were oriented on the modern approach taken in terms of communication methods. Particularly important for Polbruk was the introduction of solutions enabling and facilitating contact with a potential customer and providing him with attractive and accessible content encouraging to become familiar with the products. The holistic approach to the activities carried out was key in the project implementation.

Polbruk screen strony Usługa Projektowa


The result of cooperation with Polbruk S.A. was to create a dynamic site that responds to the needs of users in real-time. This has a positive effect on the efficiency of communication and the increase in the involvement of potential customers. From the customer's point of view, the most important change is the increase in interest in his products at points of sale and the resulting increase in revenue.

Further cooperation

Cooperation with the client includes continuous optimization of the website in terms of conversion and positioning, we also analyze website traffic. In addition, we carry out online marketing activities and constantly recommend new solutions to the client.

See also

A modern approach to the corporate portal for Polbruk S.A.

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