What is the PIM system?

PIM stands for Product Information Management - what is it for, what are the benefits of implementing it, how does it help, which one to choose?

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The ongoing process of digital transformation of businesses means that more and more of their business is being moved online. This is a natural adaptation to the needs of the market, where the technological revolution (mobile devices, social networks, auction platforms, price comparison sites) has profoundly changed consumer habits and attitudes.

A natural step in the evolution of e-commerce. PIM systems - Product Information Management.

The traditional stationary sales channel is beginning to give way to the e-commerce channel or the two channels are complementing each other in an omnichannel model, where it is crucial to provide the consumer with a rich and consistent shopping experience.

As each company grows, its digital information ecosystem also expands at a geometric progression. This process is particularly evident in sales-led businesses, where the volume of products and associated data is increasing. Products are given extensive descriptions illustrated with images and graphics, videos, tables filled with technical data, associated files with downloadable instructions, catalogues, certificates, price lists, advertising material, related products, spare parts, accessories, blog entries, templates for auctions and comparison websites, and so on.

Products often come in different variants, differing in features such as colour or size, which may affect the final price or weight of the product or the images displayed on the product page. All this means that a given product can have up to several hundred variants. And then there are the different language versions.

Products often come in different variants, differing in features such as colour or size, which may affect the final price or weight of the product or the images displayed on the product page.

Can a PIM system help to clear up the clutter?

Challenges in the product information management process: Lack of a PIM system

As the volume of products and content in the digital channel increases, a major problem arises - how to manage this amount of information? The process of entering and editing them takes more and more time for employees. They add content separately to the online shop panel, separately to the company website, product blogs, brand pages, to the B2B sales system, mobile apps or product configurators. Each of these systems has a separate administration panel.

After a while, product information in different channels starts to diverge and lose consistency. Errors and confusion occur. In some places, outdated product data is presented, while elsewhere, for example, products that have already been withdrawn from sale are presented.

Challenges in international sales

Operating on foreign markets raises additional issues. How do we manage the translation of product catalogues, product descriptions in online shops, if we have to enter several language versions separately in different systems? What is more, we often have to translate the same content - product information, PDF documents, catalogues, company information, etc. - in several administration panels.

Consequences of inconsistent product information management

All this not only generates ever-increasing content management costs, but also destroys information consistency and increases the time it takes to bring a new product to market.


or Product Information Management.

Managing all marketing resources in one place.

  • PIM is product data that is managed independently of the website.
  • DAM is an advanced repository for photos, videos and files.
  • The PIM system's extensive and flexible API enables product information to be used in the online shop.
  • PIM facilitates the management of language versions.
  • PIM always provides up-to-date materials for employees and vendors.

What is PIM? How a PIM system helps solve problems in product information management.

Now imagine a situation in which all content is in one place. We can conveniently view and edit all products and their associated descriptions, technical data, images, videos, articles and files. Once a change has been made to a product description, it is immediately visible in all product services, online shops, in the digital product catalogue, as well as being ready to be read by the interfaces of price comparison and auction portals.

If you change one product image, it is immediately, automatically replaced in all target channels. The same applies to PDF files: when you add a new version of a file, the old one is automatically replaced everywhere with the current one. When adding a new article about a product in PIM, we can choose which sites it should appear in and publish it with a single click.

All content is managed within a single administration panel of the PIM system, where we can give individual employees the appropriate permissions.

This is what the Product Information Management (PIM) system makes possible.

Benefits of implementing a PIM system

Reducing costs

Reducing the cost of managing content - product information, whether technical data, marketing material or documents such as manuals, technical data.

Reducing returns, improving consistency of communication

Consistency of communication across all channels and platforms - websites, online shops, B2B sales platforms, blogs, mobile apps, social media, emails, newsletters, videos, e-publishing.

A consistent product base - a single source of truth

Consolidation of data that was previously scattered in different locations.

Introduction of long-tail sales 

Manage product content across all channels and platforms from a single dashboard.

Increase in sales and conversions

Increased sales - with extensive, comprehensive product information, customers are more likely to make purchasing decisions. At the same time, the amount of unique, professional content has a very positive effect on SEO, resulting in increased organic traffic to websites and online shops.

Check out our projects

Product information management system for Ventia

An effective product database management platform for a leading HVAC distributor

Customer: Ventia

Implementation of a comprehensive data management solution for the furniture industry

Introduction of the Pimcore system for the interior brand VOX

Customer: VOX

Online assistant increases B2B leads

The concept, design, and implementation of B2B lead generation tools for the manufacturer of the Heatpex Aria ventilation and recuperation system.

Customer: Heatpex

A modern communication channel on the Internet for Asilo.pl

New quality in product catalog communication and optimization of customer and brand experience.

Customer: Asilo

Looking for solutions for your business?

We are experienced experts and consultants in the digital transformation of the areas of data management, sales and AI solutions for PIM systems.

Contact person

Martin Broda

[email protected] 

+48 723 395 567

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