Tasty desserts available online. E-commerce strategy development, design and implementation of a new online store.

The brand we worked for occupies a leading position among food-producing brands and has special recognition in international markets. Among other things, the company owes its success to the introduction of packaged baking powder as the first company in the world. We started cooperating in 2016. Our task was to introduce the brand to the e-commerce market in Poland. We"ve developed an e-commerce strategy to build a new online store from scratch.

Free consultation

Martin Broda

[email protected] 

+48 723 395 567

Goals and genesis of the project

Cooperation with our client began in 2016 when the company was looking for a complete solution that would allow starting selling its products online. The cooperation project involved developing an e-commerce strategy and creating a modern and user-friendly online store. We started cooperation by learning about the client's needs and requirements and a thorough analysis of the market in which the company operates. This allowed us to prepare the basis for developing a promotion and sales strategy.



As part of developing the e-commerce strategy, we conducted a detailed business analysis according to the Business Model Canvas model and analysis of e-commerce competition in the FMCG industry. We have created a complete report on the most effective promotion channels and the best pre-and post-sales communication practices with the client. In order to best target and be effective in further activities, we have developed the characteristics of the target group and its preferences regarding online shopping, payment methods, and delivery.


Then we started creating an e-commerce strategy. We prepared a detailed development plan based on Business Model Canvas, which included methods of communication with the client and promotional activities including, among others Content Marketing, User Experience design, PPC campaigns, SEO optimization, and Off-site positioning activities. We also created profitability forecasts for individual solutions for sponsored links campaigns.

Online shop

Having a full market analysis and a clear strategy of actions, we started designing an online store based on the modern Prestashop e-commerce platform. One of the most important aspects of the project was to create a platform that maximizes conversions. That is why it was so important for us to consider customer experience (CX - customer experience) at every stage of contact with the offer, not only in the scope of the shop platform itself but also in other online channels.

In the scope of the online store, we took care of relevant user experience (UX), among others thanks to information architecture (AI) built from scratch and interaction design. When implementing the online store, we carefully took care of its future development, convenience of use on mobile devices (RWD) and compliance with positioning principles.


In December 2016 a new online store was created. It is based on modern solutions, ensuring the security and convenience of online shopping both on a computer and on mobile devices. The store is integrated with couriers cooperating with the company, which greatly facilitates sales logistics.

Thanks to the customized Prestashop administration panel, the online store is easy to use from the position of the seller, and its modularity provides a wide field of development with new functionalities. The implemented elements of marketing automation, together with the integration with external systems, allow for conducting modern marketing campaigns based on statistical data on user behavior.

Above all, however, the e-commerce platform implemented for our client is a solution built from scratch based on the prepared e-commerce strategy, whose systematic implementation is to ensure success in constantly increasing the volume of products sold.

Further cooperation

Our cooperation continued after the implementation. We provided services in the field of supporting e-commerce strategy, online marketing, developing statistical analyzes of traffic efficiency, and conversion optimization. We also provided ongoing monitoring of store operations and helpdesk support for people dealing with order processing and managing the offer presented in the online store.

Contact us. We will prepare a cooperation offer for you.

Martin Broda

[email protected] 

+48 723 395 567

See also

Central Product Data Management System for Alnor Sp. z o.o.

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The global online store for HVAC

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An e-commerce strategy for a filter mask manufacturer

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New website for POLFERRIES

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