How the use of the ETIM standard, BMECat and AI capabilities can revolutionise product data management strategies in the HVAC industry.

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  • ETIM and BMECat
  • Improved data standardisation
  • Improved data quality and performance

In today's fast-changing HVAC market, efficiency and cost reduction in product data management are not just goals, they are necessities. Here is the dynamic duo of ETIM (ElectroTechnical Information Model) and PIM (Product Information Management) systems. Together, they are transforming the data handling landscape, offering a robust solution for companies looking to streamline operations and reduce costs. Let's take a look at how the use of ETIM and PIM can revolutionise your product data management strategy.

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Martin Broda

[email protected] 

+48 723 395 567

Improved data standardisation through ETIM:

ETIM, with its standardised classification, serves as the basis for effective data management. By adopting ETIM, HVAC companies can ensure that all product information is consistent, accurate and universally understandable. This not only facilitates smoother internal operations, but also improves communication with partners and customers, paving the way for increased trust and reduced misunderstandings.

Integrating ETIM with PIM takes data management to the next level. PIM serves as a centralised repository for all product data, which, combined with the standardisation of ETIM, results in a highly efficient data management process. This integration allows for the automation of data collection, updating and distribution processes, significantly reducing manual errors and labour costs.

More about the ETIM standard

Cost reduction through process optimisation:

The synergy between ETIM and PIM eliminates redundant data handling efforts and streamlines product information processes. This optimisation leads to significant cost savings in areas such as data entry, maintenance and distribution. In addition, it enables faster time-to-market for new products and updates, further enhancing competitive advantage.

By ensuring that product information is accurate, comprehensive and easily accessible, the integration of ETIM and PIM improves the customer experience. This transparency and convenience contributes to better customer decision-making, ultimately leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty rates.

Implementing ETIM and PIM not only solves current data management challenges, but also prepares the company for future growth. As the industry evolves, having a flexible and scalable data infrastructure will be key to seamlessly adapting to new trends and technologies.


Synergy of ETIM and PIM: Unlocking efficiency and cost savings

The integration of ETIM and PIM systems is a breakthrough in this scenario. By standardising product data classification with ETIM and centralising data management with PIM, companies can drastically reduce the time and resources needed to manage product information.

Beyond the immediate financial savings, the strategic implications of this efficiency gain are profound. The reduction in operating costs allows companies to reallocate resources towards innovation, customer service and competitive pricing strategies. What's more, the flexibility provided by effective data management means faster responses to market changes, new product launches and customer needs.

The integration of ETIM and PIM offers a transformational solution to the challenges of product data management in the HVAC industry. By significantly reducing costs and increasing efficiency in the management of extensive product catalogues, companies can not only achieve significant financial savings, but also ensure sustainable growth and success in the digital age. The future of product data management has arrived and it is time for companies to seize their opportunity.

Data exchange using the BMEcat standard.

In our journey through revolutionising HVAC product data management with the integration of ETIM and PIM, we have discovered significant potential for cost savings and efficiency gains. However, to truly maximise these benefits, one more piece of the puzzle needs to be addressed: data exchange. This is where BMEcat comes onto the scene. BMEcat, a standardised electronic catalogue format, facilitates the efficient exchange of product data between different systems and business partners.

Let's look at how incorporating BMEcat into your data management strategy can further increase savings and operational efficiency.

Improving data exchange with BMEcat

BMEcat is not just another standard; it is a bridge that connects different stakeholders in the HVAC industry. By adopting BMEcat for data exchange, companies can ensure that product information is not only standardised in internal systems, but also seamlessly shared with suppliers, distributors and customers.

The standardised BMEcat format is widely accepted and used in the Electro industry, ensuring compatibility between different systems. This versatility eliminates the need for customised data conversion tools or manual adjustments when exchanging data with partners, significantly reducing associated costs and errors.



With BMEcat, updating and distributing product information becomes a streamlined process. Whether it is introducing new products, adjusting prices or updating technical specifications, BMEcat files can be easily generated and shared, ensuring all stakeholders have access to the latest information. This efficiency not only reduces the operational costs associated with updating data, but also minimises the risk of outdated or incorrect product information in the market.

More about the BMECat standard.

Today, the BMECat standard is increasingly used by HVAC manufacturers, wholesalers and installers in Western European countries.

Integration of BMEcat with ETIM and PIM

To use BMEcat effectively, its integration within ETIM and PIM is crucial. This integration ensures that the standardised product classification provided by ETIM and the centralised data management offered by PIM are fully utilised during data exchange processes. Here are the steps to achieve this integration:

  • Standardisation: Ensure that all product data managed in the PIM system is classified according to ETIM standards. This alignment is key to generating BMEcat files that are widely understood and accepted.
  • Automation: Implement tools or software solutions that can automatically generate BMEcat files from the PIM system. Such automation significantly reduces the time and effort required to prepare data for exchange, further reducing operational costs.
  • Collaboration: Work closely with business partners to establish effective BMEcat exchange protocols. This may include setting up direct data sources, using industry platforms for data exchange or adopting cloud-based solutions that support real-time data sharing.

Adding BMEcat to your HVAC product data management strategy increases the efficiency and effectiveness of your data exchange processes. By ensuring compatibility, streamlining updates and maintaining data quality, BMEcat not only complements the savings from ETIM and PIM integration, but also drives further operational improvements. As the HVAC industry continues to evolve in the digital age, adopting BMEcat as part of a comprehensive approach to data management will be key to maintaining a competitive advantage.

Using artificial intelligence for breakthrough performance in HVAC product data management

In the field of HVAC product data management, the integration of ETIM, PIM and BMEcat has already prepared the ground for unprecedented efficiency and cost savings. However, there is another transformative technology that promises to take these benefits to a new level: artificial intelligence (AI). The ability of AI to generate content and perform professional translations can significantly streamline the process of managing product data, potentially reducing the cost and time spent on the process by 80-90%.

Automation of product descriptions using artificial intelligence

One of the most time-consuming aspects of managing product data is creating detailed, accurate product descriptions. Artificial intelligence can automate this process by generating comprehensive product descriptions based on a set of product attributes. This means that instead of manually creating descriptions for each of the 250,000 SKUs, companies can rely on AI to create them at scale, significantly speeding up the process. The time and resources saved in this way are significant, allowing teams to focus on strategic tasks that add more value to the business.

Professional translation enhanced by artificial intelligence

Expanding into global markets requires accurate translation of product information into multiple languages, a process that is both costly and slow when done manually. Artificial intelligence (AI)-based translation services can perform this task with high accuracy and at a fraction of the cost of traditional translation services. By using artificial intelligence for translation, companies can ensure that their product data is available to audiences around the world, increasing market reach and customer satisfaction without incurring high costs.

The impact of artificial intelligence on cost savings

Incorporating artificial intelligence into the product data management process addresses two major cost drivers: creating product descriptions and translating product information. If we conservatively estimate that artificial intelligence can reduce the time and costs associated with these tasks by 80%, the financial implications are staggering. For a company managing 250,000 SKUs, this productivity gain translates into a dramatic reduction in operational costs, further adding to the savings achieved by integrating ETIM, PIM and BMEcat.

Read more about implementing artificial intelligence as a tool to improve the product information management process.

Financial impact of ETIM BMECat PIM and AI integration

In the competitive landscape of the HVAC industry, effective product data management is not just about keeping information in order; it is about reducing costs while increasing efficiency and service quality.

With companies juggling an average of 250,000 SKUs, the challenge of managing product data becomes even more daunting. However, there is a light of hope breaking through this complexity: the integration of ETIM (ElectroTechnical Information Model) and PIM (Product Information Management) systems. This strategic alliance is not only a step towards digital transformation; it is a leap towards significant cost savings and operational excellence.

Let's look at the tangible financial benefits this integration can bring to your business.

Cost of product data management

Before delving into the potential savings, let's examine what costs are involved in maintaining product data.

Product data management, especially for a wide range of SKUs, involves significant expenses. If we consider that the cost of collecting, updating and maintaining product data is between EUR 2 and EUR 3 per SKU, a company with 250,000 SKUs faces annual expenditure of between EUR 500,000 and EUR 750,000. This significant figure highlights the urgent need for more efficient data management solutions.

80-90% reduction in time

One of the most compelling benefits of integrating ETIM BMECat PIM and AI is the ability to reduce the time required to manage product data by 80-90%. This efficiency gain translates directly into cost savings. Assuming a higher value for time savings (90%), let us calculate the impact on cost per SKU.


If we assume that the average cost of managing one SKU is €2.5, a 90% reduction in time and effort can reduce the cost per SKU to just €0.25. When applied to 250,000 SKUs, the total cost drops from an overwhelming €625,000 to a much more manageable €62,500.

This represents an annual saving of €787,500.


The integration of artificial intelligence with ETIM, PIM and BMEcat technologies represents the next frontier in HVAC product data management. By using artificial intelligence to generate and translate content, companies can achieve levels of efficiency and cost savings that were previously unthinkable. This innovative approach not only streamlines operations, but also increases a company's flexibility and competitiveness in the global marketplace. As we move forward, the role of artificial intelligence in product data management will only grow, offering endless opportunities for those who are ready to embrace it.

If you are interested in LemonMind's services to implement the standards discussed in your organisation, we encourage you to read the articles on this topic:

Make an appointment for a free consultation on optimising the costs of product information management in your company.

Martin Broda

[email protected] 

+48 723 395 567

See also

How you can improve product data quality by using AI


What is the ETIM classification system and how does it work?


5 rules you need to stick to in your company's data management process


8 reasons why PIM is essential to your marketing strategy


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