Pimcore license comparison

Professional vs. Enterprise

Why Pimcore licensing matters for your business

Choosing the right Pimcore license can significantly impact how you manage and scale your digital platform. Pimcore offers an open-source edition under the GPLv3 license, alongside two commercial editions: Professional and Enterprise. While the open-source edition might seem attractive due to its zero cost, the commercial editions offer several advantages that might be essential for your business.

Commercial licenses offer benefits that extend beyond the free appeal of the open-source edition. They protect your intellectual property by ensuring that your customizations remain private, unlike the GPLv3 license, which requires public sharing of modifications. This is particularly important for businesses that need to maintain a competitive edge.

Moreover, commercial licenses come with professional support, which ensures you have access to experts who can assist promptly. This support can be a lifeline in complex situations where community-driven open-source support might fall short.

Security is another strong point of commercial licenses. Regular updates and security patches are included, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities that could threaten your business.

Finally, commercial editions unlock advanced features that are unavailable in the open-source edition. These tools are essential for businesses aiming to scale and customize their digital presence effectively.

The true value of commercial licensing


  • Protection of intellectual property
  • Direct access to professional support
  • Regular security updates and patches
  • Advanced workflow engine
  • Data Quality Management (DQM) tools
  • Enhanced personalization and targeting
  • AI-powered insights and analytics
  • Extended Digital Asset Management (DAM)
  • Comprehensive Master Data Management (MDM)
  • Advanced encryption and role-based access control


Why choose Pimcore Professional Edition?

Pimcore Professional Edition is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses. It provides a cost-effective way to leverage Pimcore’s core features without the added complexity and cost of larger deployments.

This edition is accessible, making it easier for SMBs to implement a robust digital platform. You maintain full ownership of your data, ensuring compliance and strategic flexibility. The platform is designed to scale with your business, with a clear upgrade path as your needs grow. Additionally, you gain access to the Pimcore Marketplace, where you can find valuable extensions and tools to enhance your system.

What makes Pimcore Enterprise Edition stand out?

Pimcore Enterprise Edition is crafted for large enterprises with more complex requirements. It provides an extensive array of advanced tools, along with premium support and enhanced security features, making it ideal for large-scale operations.

One of the standout features of the Enterprise Edition is its advanced workflow engine, which allows businesses to streamline complex processes through customizable workflows. It also includes Data Quality Management (DQM), which ensures that your data remains accurate and consistent across the organization—a critical feature for maintaining operational efficiency.

In addition to these, the Enterprise Edition offers sophisticated personalization and targeting tools, enabling businesses to deliver highly tailored customer experiences. The Digital Asset Management (DAM) capabilities are also expanded, featuring AI-powered tagging and advanced rights management, which are essential for handling large volumes of digital content.

Furthermore, the Enterprise Edition supports complex data models and relationships through Master Data Management (MDM), making it suitable for large-scale operations. AI-driven insights provide actionable data that can help automate decision-making processes, giving businesses a significant advantage in terms of analytics and strategy.

Security is also a priority in the Enterprise Edition, with advanced encryption, role-based access controls, and regular security updates that protect sensitive business data.

You want to know more?

Explore Pimcore Enterprise

Making the right choice

Your choice should reflect the size and needs of your business. Small and medium-sized companies will find the Professional Edition an excellent starting point, while large enterprises will benefit from the advanced tools and support offered by the Enterprise Edition.

Coming up: Pimcore PaaS

In our next article, we’ll explore Pimcore’s Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution, which offers even greater flexibility and scalability. Stay tuned!

Interested in Pimcore?

Book an appointment with our expert to learn more about the benefits of Pimcore

Contact person

Martin Broda

[email protected] 

+48 723 395 567

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