LemonHub.AI - Artificial Intelligence for your digital transformation


more effective work in less time
bringing artificial intelligence to your digital transformation

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Pump-up your Digital Transformation with Artificial Intelligence

LemonHub.AI is a groundbreaking application that transforms Product Information Management (PIM) by integrating it with the newest artificial intelligence technologies from OpenAI, Google, HuggingFace and others.

This innovative solution simplifies the management of product data, enhances data accuracy, and boosts operational efficiency. By automating and simplyfiyng processes, LemonHub.AI gives businesses tools to stay competitive and responsive to market demands.

Our application is flexible and scalable, which means it can be adapted to various PIM systems and other AI services. We can adapt it to the specific needs of your business, providing optimal solutions for managing product content in multiple languages.


AI product marketer that works for you 24/7. 

  • Product descriptions

  • Automatic text translation

  • SEO metatags

  • Image generation

  • Picture recognition

  • Images metadata [alt, description]


More than a search engine. AI Assistant that understands your client.

  • Multilingual assistant.

  • Intelligent search.

  • Pre-trained using your data.

  • On any page or e-commerce


Your AI partner in ETL and EDA process.

  • Product data analysis

  • Automated ETL/EDA

  • Product model generation

  • Automatic import of product data into PIM

work smarter / work less

AI.Hub is a game-changer for businesses looking to simplify their content management processes.

+ Save time and resources.

+ Take your product content to the next level.

+ Give your employees the latest tools to make their jobs for the better.

+ Improve your customers' experience giving them the best assistant who knows your products best.

+ Stay ahead of your competition by launching products one step ahead of them.

Great AI technologies we use

Powered by innovators. We're up to date with all AI possibilities.

OpenAI - logo
HuggingFace - logo
Mistral - logo
Meta AI logo
Stability AI - logo

LemonHub AI.Assistant

More than a search engine. AI Assistant that understands your client.

  • Smart search capabilities: Go beyond keywords with search that understands context and intent.

  • Real-time interaction:  Instantly engage customers by responding to their queries with precision and personalisation.

  • Learning and adaptation: Use machine learning to become smarter with every interaction, ensuring customers always get the best answers.

  • Data-driven insights: Integrated with Pimcore, it uses user data to provide answers that are not only accurate, but also highly relevant.

  • It performs tasks such as searching for a product or adding it to a basket.

LemonHub AI.DataHarvester

AI Product Data discovery and Profiling.

Prediction of data semantics and data types in different product data sources to automate building product data model in PIM and help to automate data migration, cleansing and transformation.

LemonHub AI.Marketer

Generative AI for your PIM platform. Say goodbye to hours spent generating product content.

  • Attribute-based Descriptions: Automated creation of product descriptions using attributes.

  • Automatic Translations: Seamless translation of text.

  • SEO Metatags: Generation of SEO-friendly metatags from descriptions and attributes.

  • Text Proofreading: Style and grammar correction for all content.

  • Value Language Content: Crafting product content in compelling value language.

  • Image Generation and Recognition: Automated creation and tagging of product images.

  • Multi-object Operations: Efficient handling of multiple objects simultaneously.

  • Unified AI Access: Embedded AI chat for all users via a single API key.

Look how LemonHub.AI tools are working for our customers

LemonHub.AI implementation for Ceramika Paradyż

Optimisation of operational processes related to the creation and management of product content

Customer: Ceramika Paradyż

It’s great when your work is also your passion. Currently we invest in a lot of time, effort and energy to AI solutions empowering digital transformstion. If you’re interested in what we offer contact us and we will present you possibilities of AI.

Contact person

Mateusz Soroka

Software Architect & Pimcore Consultant

I invite you to join us, to explore and embrace the transformative power of AI in e-commerce and product managment. Let's shape the future together!

Contact person

Olgierd Mrozik

CEO LemonMind

Our beloved Clients

These customers are already being assisted in digital transformation.

Join their ranks in our portfolio.

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Let's talk

I invite you to a short meeting, where I will show you the possibilities of implementing LemonHub.AI in your company.

Contact person

Martin Broda

[email protected] 

+48 723 395 567

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