We deliver Digital Experience Platforms and product information management systems based on Pimcore. Discover the Pimcore DXP.

Free consultation

Pimcore is the only open source digital experience platform with inbuilt data management and experience management capabilities. It enables businesses to seamlessly connect people, data, technology, business, and things in the fabric of digital for unleashing newer possibilities.

If you manage an online store or an extensive website with a product catalog, then you have certainly noticed the difficulties and challenges in content management posed by this type of services.


Pimcore is a modern, professional and scalable PIM (Product Information Management) platform that solves the difficulties of creating and publishing marketing materials. At LemonMind, we design and implement product websites based on the Pimcore platform.

Free consultation

Martin Broda

[email protected] 

+48 723 395 567


What is PIM?

PIM - the Product Information Management system is an innovative tool for the digital transformation of an enterprise. It allows you to manage all marketing resources in one place.

PIM systems provide the answer to the most important challenges in creating extensive websites and product applications. They facilitate the management of the process of creating and sharing marketing materials.


Traditional content management system (CMS):

Web page

  • Product information management.

  • Language version management.

  • Translation of content on individual language versions.

  • Management of digital resources (photo, video, catalogs, technical documentation).

  • Photo/video content synchronization between language versions.

  • Document and attachment management: catalogs, PDF, DOC, ZIP technical documentation.

  • The need to manage the content development, acceptance, and publication process.

Product Information

  • The need to replace files in several places.

  • File library - great chaos.

  • Difficulty in identifying on which page a given file/graphic is used.

  • Unable to easily search/sort files.

  • Difficulty replacing technical data in tables.

  • A lot of work involved in replacing documents.

  • Obsolete attachments on pages.

  • No versioning system for changes to subpages, graphic files, documentation.

Marketing materials

  • Difficulty in maintaining consistent product information that is current and available to many employees (marketing, trade, installers, distribution, foreign employees).

  • Scattered product information.

  • Difficulties in maintaining order in marketing, sales, and technical materials.

  • Difficulties in implementing the language location of materials (preparation and management of materials for specific markets).

  • Lack of workflow and management of the process of creating and issuing materials.

PIM — Product Information Management
Managing all marketing resources in one place:

Pimcore is

Ikonka z plikiem

PIM (Product Information Management System)

It systematizes and structures information about products, references, implementations, partners, and distributors. It enables the use of this data not only on the website. Thanks to the API, it can be a data source for any application or team.


Ikona tabelki

CMS (Content Management System)

Currently used to manage most corporate and product websites.



DAM (Digital Asset Management System)

It allows you to manage digital assets such as photos, videos, PDFs, DOC, XLS, ZIP. It facilitates controlling the current version of the file, allows for simple editing changes of graphic files, allows limiting access for specific employees or people outside the company.


Plik PDF

System for generating current PDF catalogs

It allows creating product folders and catalogs that always contain current information based on product data from the PIM module.



Elastyczna platforma e-commerce

Pimcore stanowi doskonałą platformę e-commerce, która sprawdzi się wszędzie tam, gdzie inne systemy e-commerce nie posiadają wystarczającej możliwości dostosowania do indywidualnego procesu zamówień. Jest rozwiązaniem idealnym do platform B2B, systemów zamówień i zapytań ofertowych, programów doboru rozszerzając ich funkcjonalność o możliwości zamawiania produktów online.


Reload cache icon

Marketing automation system

It enables targeting and personalization of content, e.g. on a website based on the behavior of users visiting the website.

Product Information Management

An advanced tool for managing product information. Organizes and controls the consistency of product information.




Digital Asset Management

Managing digital assets such as photos, videos, files, attachments, advertising folders.

Pimcore diagram


A tool for managing product information, website content and their integration with the purchasing process.







Pimcore eCommerce is a platform for complex B2C, B2B e-commerce systems and multi-channel solutions.


Product Information Management

Product Information Management:

  • Product information management tool.
  • Information in digital form, easily accessible to other systems, users.
  • Omni-channel.
  • It ensures data quality and consistency thanks to tools for checking the completeness of product information.
  • Organizes the process of creating product information for technical, marketing and sales departments.
Pimcore product information management platform

Enterprise CMS

Enterprise Content Management System

Website management:

  • An integrated platform for preparing and publishing content for a website.
  • Facilitates the process of creating language versions.
  • It allows creating personalized content.
  • It allows us to easily organize, view and update resources.
  • Facilitates metadata management.
Pimcore CMS platform


Digital Asset Management

  • An ordered repository of digital resources such as photos, videos, files, attachments, advertising folders.
  • Facilitates access from anywhere to anyone in a controlled manner.
  • Allows version management.
  • It makes searching and localization of resources easier.
  • It allows transforming the media and edit photos.
Pimcore digital assets management platform

Stages of implementation

The concept of implementation analysis and launch of the basic system installation:

Podpunkt 1 na stronie

Establishing business and operational assumptions of the project.


Podpunkt 2 na stronie

Introducing the client to the assumptions and implementation method.


Podpunkt 3 na stronie

Analysis of the product information management process.


Podpunkt 4 na stronie

Development of a detailed architecture of the solution.


Podpunkt 5 na stronie

Preparation of the implementation environment: server, basic system installation.


Contact us. We will prepare a cooperation offer for you.

Martin Broda

[email protected] 

+48 723 395 567