Implementation of ETIM and BMEcat classification into the Pimcore system

Case study GTV S.A.

Implementation of ETIM and BMEcat classification into the Pimcore system

GTV Poland S.A. is a company with almost thirty years of experience, a leader in the furniture accessories and lighting industry.

GTV operates on a global scale, in 70 markets – in Asia, Europe, North and South America and Africa. Every day, they supply their clients with high quality products, and they continue to grow their portfolio. GTV offers more than 12,000 products, including furniture accessories, decoration, sliding door systems, coated furniture components, and decorative lighting.

In the present changing environment, where data accuracy and speed of communication are crucial GTV Poland S.A. made the decision to automate distributor communications in the most effective way.  The business made its choice to implement BMEcat and ETIM standards into the Pimcore system.

Why ETIM and BMEcat?

An international standard called ETIM (European Technical Information Model) is used to describe the technical characteristics of electrical products. This standard's introduction makes it possible to communicate technical product information in a consistent and understandable way, which is essential for the GTV’s industry.

Yet, BMEcat is a product data exchange format that makes information transfer between multiple platforms much easier. When used in connection with Pimcore, it allows an effective management of product data, and improving logistical and commercial processes. 

Pimcore and ETIM system

The Pimcore system at GTV provides a central location for storing, editing and sharing product data. As a result, information from Pimcore — a advanced tool for managing product information — can be precisely mapped to ETIM features and sent in a specific BMEcat format. As an outcome, the time needed to launch new products into the market is cut down, and human input errors are eliminated.

ETIM mapper - our tool for automating the implementation of the ETIM standard

As part of the ETIM implementation, the LemonMind team developed an ETIM mapper tool, enabling a product category to be assigned to the appropriate ETIM class. The automation allows categories and features to be quickly and accurately assigned to products, giving them defined ETIM classes (feature groups) and corresponding ETIM feature values. This process is based on an intelligent algorithm that analyses the relationship between features and products. ETIM Mapper not only speeds up the process, but also significantly reduces the risk of errors associated with manual data entry. Eliminating mistakes is essential, especially in the context of product classification, where precision and consistency are key.

  1. 1
    Product analysis in the customer catalogue
  2. 2
    Automatic assignment of ETIM class
  3. 3
    Defining product features
  4. 4
    Automatic assignment of ETIM standard feature values

Benefits for GTV

  • Uniform specifications: The ETIM standard provides uniform and comprehensible descriptions of technical specifications, eliminating communication ambiguities.
  • Process Automation: The implementation of BMEcat and Pimcore enables efficient data transfer between systems, eliminating the need for manual information management.
  • Faster product availability: Through improved logistics processes, GTV can provide customers with even faster products.
  • Global availability: International standards allow GTV to cooperate smoothly with partners in different markets, adapting to local requirements.

Rozwinięcie naszego centralnego systemu zarządzania informacją o produkcie - PIMCORE - o standardy  ETIM i BMEcat stanowi kolejny krok w ramach realizacji naszej strategii komunikacji kompletnych danych produktowych z naszymi globalnymi partnerami biznesowymi. 

Dzięki nowemu Mapperowi ETIM w systemie Pimcore, udało nam się skutecznie zautomatyzować proces przypisywania klas i cech produktów, tak aby móc zarządzać informacją produktową i skutecznie ją komunikować w ramach międzynarodowego standardu ETIM. 

Dzięki tej automatyzacji eliminujemy manualne wprowadzanie danych, co skraca czas potrzebny na przygotowanie danych zgodnie z klasyfikacją ETIM, a jednocześnie minimalizuje ryzyko popełnienia błędów. Ponadto, dzięki zastosowaniu formatu BMEcat, osiągnęliśmy jednolitość i spójność w przekazywaniu informacji o produktach zarówno w kraju, jak i na rynkach zagranicznych.

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Contact person

Michał Garwacki

IT Director

GTV Poland S.A.

The Pimcore system at GTV Poland S.A., as a central product data system, perfectly supports the implementation of the ETIM standard. With consolidated data, we quickly implemented the mapper to automatically assign products to ETIM classes. Implementing an international classification standard, such as ETIM, is the ideal solution for GTV, which offers tens of thousands of products and operates globally. This makes it easier to exchange technical information with sales partners, distributors in different markets and distribution channels.

In addition, the introduction of support for generating mapped product data on ETIM classification in XML format, using the BMEcat standard, reduces the time of information exchange. This is crucial not only for efficient data dissemination, but also for the automation of e-business areas and the reduction of the costs of operating these processes.

Contact person

Agnieszka Lipiec-Szeszko

Project Manager

LemonMind Sp. z o.o.

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